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Dyslexia screening

Key dyslexia warning signs

You may already have discovered that many school teachers are unfamiliar with dyslexia. Or — just as likely — they are aware of dyslexia but have not been trained to identify and support students whose brains are wired differently.

That’s why dyslexia screening is vitally important. If you’re not being offered this, or your school is currently refusing to evaluate your child, or you have any other concerns, we’d urge you to consider Read Write Spell Right’s recommended service. 

We’d suggest you start by looking at these warning signs →

  • Delayed speech
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Stuttering
  • Confuses left and right
  • Late establishing a dominant hand
  • Difficulty learning to tie shoes
  • Trouble memorizing address and phone number
  • Struggles remembering the alphabet
  • Mixes up the sounds and syllables in long words
  • Can’t create words that rhyme
Elementary School
  • Dysgraphia (slow, non-automatic handwriting)
  • Letter or number reversal beyond first grade
  • Extreme difficult learning cursive writing
  • Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading:
    • Guesses based on shape or context
    • Skips or misreads prepositions (at, to, of)
    • Ignores suffixes
    • Can’t sound out unknown words
  • Exceptionally poor spelling
  • Often can’t remember…
    • Sight words (they, were, does)
    • Capitalization
    • Punctuation
  • Difficulties telling time using a clock with hands
  • Difficulties with math, particularly memorizing:
    • Multiplication tables
    • A sequence of steps
  • Trouble with directionality
  • Difficulty finding the right word when speaking:
    • Lots of ‘whatchamacallits’ and ‘thingies’
    • Slight garbling of common sayings
  • Extremely messy bedroom, backpack, desk
  • Dreads going to school:
    • Complains of stomach aches or headaches
    • May have nightmares about school
High School

All of the previous symptoms, plus…

  • Limited vocabulary
  • Extremely poor written expression
  • Discrepancy between verbal skills and written composition
  • Unable to master a foreign language
  • Difficulty reading printed music
  • Poor grades across multiple classes
  • May drop out of school

All of the previous history plus…

  • Still confuses left and right
  • Still an exceptionally poor speller
  • Confuses ‘b’ and ‘d’, especially if tired or ill
  • Slow reader
  • May read a page two/three times to understand it
  • Dreads writing emails, memos, letters
  • Often gets lost, even somewhere familiar

NeuroLearning screening

At Read Write Spell Right, we recommend that all students undergo a full educational evaluation to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This type of evaluation is, however, not a prerequisite for beginning tutoring. 

For those showing any of the key warning signs and yet to be screened, we highly recommend NeuroLearning‘s app-based assessment as a way to get objective data — fast. This test uses a high-tech approach to identify challenges in four key brain processes and four key reading skills to determine the student’s overall dyslexia risk.

Read Write Spell Right Principal Kimberly Downey is present while the student goes through the self-guided process, and the results receive expert analysis as part of NeuroLearning’s service. 

NeuroLearning’s screening is designed for anyone aged seven and over, including adults. The test takes between 45 and 60 minutes and can be done on a tablet. 

Please contact Kimberly Downey to schedule the NeuroLearning assessment for your student. A follow-up meeting, either in person or via Zoom, is also included to review the findings and to discuss next steps.

How the test works

Simple app-based screening

The NeuroLearning dyslexia screening is app-based and takes between 40 minutes and an hour to complete on a tablet. Your child will have Read Write Spell Right’s support throughout.

Results reviewed by experts

NeuroLearning’s experts review every set of screening results, adding recommendations where relevant. The test was developed by Drs Brock and Fernette Eide, co-founders of non-profit Dyslexic Advantage, and Nils Lahr.

Individualized tutoring plan

Read Write Spell Right Principal Kimberly Downey uses the NeuroLearning screening results to help better understand a student’s unique learning profile and where the student needs most tutoring support. 

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the questions we get asked about NeuroLearning’s dyslexia screening.

How do I arrange a screening?

Please schedule a call to discuss the benefits of the NeuroLearning dyslexia assessment for your student.

What do the test results show?

A higher total score means that an individual will experience a significant degree of dyslexia-associated challenges learning to read and spell. Progress learning these skills in the early grades will be slower than many comparably bright peers.  

How long do results take?

The results of the assessment are emailed to you as a PDF the same day.

Dyslexia 101 for parents & guardians

This free mini-course will help you discover what’s most essential to help your struggling reader. As a parent or guardian, you need to know what works, what doesn’t work, and how to tell the difference.